What "Awesome nude shots," Zet88? Where are the " Awesome nude shots? " No nudity = Waste time, lose money, pound sand, suck wind, dry hustle, bum kicks! EPIC FAIL! Next contestant please!
well, there's westcoast9. Shows up right before midnight/the next day with his same "copy & paste" SPAM so he won't get flagged off the board like usual. From one contributor to another, BEWARE!
What's wrong with flagging comments, "Jack_FIash1947" When people write rude or even racist comments, shouldn't their comments be removed? Seems to me that's the entire reason the webmaster gave us that option, wouldn't you agree? It's a shame it's even necessary to take that step, but there are some people on this board that lack a single shred of decency or class.
I enjoyed that pic of you pulling your panties down revealing a glimpse of your sweet pussy. a little more pussy, and I shoot my load long distance deep inside you.
Own up whos given Scorpio52 some extra vocabulary, hes using 'waste of time' now, so hes doubled his options, well done, but I see he is still poor, aspirin might help.
Hey, "trumpeter," when you're getting attacked by a clod like "slick rick," you KNOW you're doing the right thing. Wear his insult like a fuckin' badge of honor, as you were right, and these cretins, none of whom has probably ever actually HAD a woman, have no class and certainly have never had a clue.
I love your pics but unfortunately the children here aren't satisfied with anything but nudity, so your score isn't going to be high and your comments aren't going to be very good. However, I gave you a high score in hopes you would come back and be a little braver and show us more of that beautiful body.
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